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A member registered Apr 20, 2022

Recent community posts

Great, and with a quite unexpected twist in the end!

Looking forward to it!

Wow, this is AMAZING!! THANKS A LOT!

Incredible work!!

I love it! But it is too difficult I think.

Love this a lot! That was an unexpected turn of events :)) Great work!

Amazing! Will definitely get the full game.

Very good! Please make this a full game!

Fantastic experience!

AMAZING! I like the variety. There is actually a whole game implied in this, I hope you will elaborate! :)

LOVE this, sounds like a very promising (and extensive) storyline! Looking forward to the next part!!


VERY nice, interesting approach and quite spooky! Great work!

Very nice work!

Very good!

I love the sheer amount of creativity you put in this game. And I very much enjoy the humour. Great job!

GREAT game! I like everything about it. A piece of art!

Amazing game!


Fantastic work! VERY scary without too many jumpscares, and an intriguing story as well. Really dark. Love it!

My goodness, how great is that! I LOVE it!!!!

GREAT work! Hope there will be a full version!

Just played the first 20 minutes or so and I LOVE IT! It has this old-school RE1 vibe to it I adore so much ... GREAT game, looking VERY MUCH forward to the full version!

Very nice, esp. the pictures! Great game style!

(1 edit)

Only just started and WOW, this is amazing in every way! Uniquely ... unique! You should be making money from this!

A masterpiece! True art.

Damn, that's good!


Man, that's some addictive stuff you got there! Great game!

AWESOME! I got the bundle, played this first and looking very much forward to all the rest! All hail to brilliant trash!

Very nice, thanks!

Very, very nice and clever!

LOVE this! A true piece of art! Thanks!

Amazing. Wow!!



I love it!! Fantastic!!

That was ABSOLTELY AMAZING. Exactly my type of horror game! Thanks a LOT!

Great work!